[BozemanLUG] Sept. Meeting topics... how about this week?

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Mon Sep 14 19:39:26 UTC 2020


I came up with few topics for the meeting.

I emailed on Saturday about Minetest... having recently gotten back into the game.  Wanted to show a little bit of that.

As part of my recent experience setting up a minetest server... on a Digital Ocean droplet... I learned about systemd unit template files.  Template files makes it easy to run multiple instances of a service with different configurations.  So, I can talk about those using the minetest service as an example.

I can also talk about zram-swap for anyone who might be interested in that.  It uses compressed RAM for virtual memory.  Fedora is going to use zram-swap by default starting in Fedora 33.  They have packages for earlier Fedora releases and it can be manually installed if desired.  zram-swap got started on fairly low-resource embedded devices where it works quite well.  It is also handy on those systems using SSD or memory card storage where you want to limit writes if possible.  Given that Digital Ocean doesn't give you any swap on their droplets, zram-swap works great!

So, everyone available for a virtual meeting this Thursday night? (Sept. 17th)

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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