[BozemanLUG] May meeting?

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Thu May 7 02:29:27 UTC 2020


----- Original Message -----
> My Pinephone arrived this month and I have been messing around
> primarily with Ubuntu Touch and a bit with PostmarketOS. I would be
> happy to take some video of it and share it for a virtual meeting.

Cool.  I'd like to learn about that.

> I think it would be nice to do some sort of live virtual meeting as
> well, I would like to suggest https://meet.jit.si if people are up
> for video conferencing. Otherwise, I have a mumble server we could
> use for audio conferencing.

We could try Jitsi... does that do bridging on the server-side?  If not, we are going to have a ton of bits flying for multiple video streams.  If it doesn't have a stream bridge, hopefully, it allows end-users to turn off their cameras dynamically... and we could sort of toss a virtual baton.  LWN covered setting up your own Jitsi server and that doesn't sound fun... but hosted Jitsi like the link you gave, should be pain-free.  I'm up to give it a try.  See everyone at 7 PM tomorrow night.  For a meeting name... BozemanGLUGMay2020?

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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