[BozemanLUG] A quick ted talk

David Eder david at eder.us
Sun Nov 24 16:29:58 UTC 2019

A number of years ago, it was discovered that soap bubbles act a lot like quantum computers and were thought to be able to solve exponential problems instantly.  The problem was that encoding and then decoding problems into soap bubbles was itself an exponential problem.  Much of today's quantum problems seem to be the same way.  Entangling qubits seems to be an exponential problem.  Reading them without destroying them also seems to be exponential in complexity.  It may take a quantum computer to build a quantum computer.

But if they are coming, now is the time to be ready if your secrets will still have value when they do arrive.

BTW, the plans for a quantum computer are encoded in the background microwave radiation.  Unfortunately, they are encrypted with a quantum algorithm, so they look like noise.


November 24, 2019 9:15 AM, "Scott Dowdle" <dowdle at montanalinux.org> wrote:

> Greetings,
> ----- Original Message -----
>> Craig Costello: Cryptographers, quantum computers and the war for information
>> https://www.ted.com/talks/craig_costello_cryptographers_quantum_computers_and_the_war_for_informatio
> That would be scary but all of the other me's in all of the parallel universes aren't scared.
> We'll just start using Quantum computers to do the cryptography and then even they won't be able to
> break it. So the first use case for Quantum computers would be the encryption of all data
> transmitted by pre-Quantum computers.
> Once Quantum computers get up to a certain number of qbits, then it'll just have a burst of
> consciousness and the singularity will have happened... and I don't know... maybe the aliens will
> reveal themselves. I'm not sure because I'm not fully caught up on my scifi. :)
> TYL,
> --
> Scott Dowdle
> 704 Church Street
> Belgrade, MT 59714
> (406)388-0827 [home]
> (406)994-3931 [work]
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