[BozemanLUG] Meeting this Thursday... venue change reminder

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Tue Dec 3 20:17:01 UTC 2019


The meeting is a go for this Thursday at Cosmic Pizza in Belgrade... that is at 27 W. Main.  You can see it from the main Belgrade downtown corner (Main and Broadway)... and there is a parking lot right across Main from it.

There isn't a wifi connection in the building yet so there won't be Internet.  I'll be bringing a laptop but given the public nature of the place, playing audio probably isn't advisable... unless we are the only people in there at the time.  Unless conditions change there, I'm not recommending it as a permanent venue change... but for this month's meeting... we can call it a holiday / social party get together... and talk about the same old tech topics we usually do.  I'm sure several members with smartphones and data plans can bring up anything they'd like.

Anyhoo... one topic of discussion is what tech related stuff to buy kids for Xmas.   Anyone?

We are looking at the Kano Kit and the Piper Kit... leaning towards the later.  If anyone is interested, review those two and let me know what you think at the meeting.  I had a IT Community activity at work a few weeks ago where we put together about 30 of the Kano Kits for Montana K-12.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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