[BozemanLUG] Meeting reminder

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Tue Oct 2 21:09:21 UTC 2018


I didn't hear back from anyone so I assume everyone (of the regulars) can make it to the meeting day after tomorrow (Thursday, Oct. 4th).  If not, please let me know ASAP.

So far as topics go, I didn't get any suggestions.  Some I've come up with on my own:

1) Stratis - "Easy to use local storage management for Linux" which just recently hit version 1.0
2) Fedora 29 - What's new?... including Stratis 1.0

Anyone want to add any other topics?

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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