[BozemanLUG] Follow-up from the meeting last night

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Fri May 20 14:10:34 EDT 2016


1) The two thumbdrives that I gave out last night... those are exfat format I believe... so if you don't have the packages needed to read them in Linux already installed, you'll want to use your distro's package manager and search for exfat and hopefully the packages you need will show up and you can install them... and then you'll be able to access the thumbdrive contents.  On Fedora, I had to install these two packages from the rpmfusion repo because Fedora won't ship them due to potential patent issues:


If using Windows or Mac, it should just work I believe.

2) On Opticom, I checked my email and it turns out that next week marks the 1 year anniversary when I ordered their service.  I emailed them again... but after waiting a few hours... decided to give them a call.  They said that they could not give me an install date because they don't currently have the personnel to do one of the two parts of the install.  The two parts are:

  1) From the drop post in my back yard to my house (dig a trench?)
  2) Inside the house

They said they have the folks for part 2 but plan to hire a crew for part 1 "in a month or two"... and that after they had the crew hired, they would then be able to schedule an install.

So for David's new-to-him house in Belgrade, maybe it already had the service installed before... and they only need to do part 2... or they just treated him differently than me for some reason.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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