[BozemanLUG] And now for something completely different . . .

gary hildebrand wa7kkp at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 19:18:26 MST 2012

Hey all you Monty Python fans . . .

I'm upgrading a $10 Athlon 750 system to become my Linux play-toy.  Just
got some cheap memory at Ram Comjputer on East Main (shameless plug), so
I'm up to 320 meg . . . would like to get 768 but 320 will do for now.

I put in a spare CD burner, but I don't have a spare DVD drive unless I
pull one out of my Dell to load my SuSE distros.

I'd like to find older distros that had the multiple CD-rom disks, copy
them for archival, and load up and play.  I loved SuSE 7.2, and only with
SuSE and Mandrake 8 did I have a nice tight (easy on resources) install
that worked well.  And I'd like a good source of SCSI HD's in the 9-50 GB
range; I can put multiple drives in and selectively boot several distros at
will.  Back in KC MO they were easy (and cheap) to find; most PeeCee types
didn't know how to handle terminations and anything more than 4 drives on
the system.

I've got RH 8 but I've always had probs getting it to configure correctly .
. . and I just gave up.

Anyone out there got something like that laying around collecting dust??
e-mail me with details.

Gary Hildebrand
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