[BozemanLUG] Local kids' computing ?

David Eder david at eder.us
Thu Nov 8 10:02:31 MST 2012

We're a little behind you.  I have a second grader.  He loves to edit
games with GUI editors.  He can't type efficiently yet.  We've kinda been
waiting for bigger fingers, more maturity, etc.  If we could get some kids
working together on building hardware/software, that would be great.  As I
said, though, my boy is earlier in the development process than yours.


> My oldest son has reached the age where he can begin to learn about
> computers and programming (I found that without a basic understanding of
> algebra it's pretty hard going, so 4th grade seems to be the first
> usable entry-point). He got a Rasberry Pi for his birthday and we've
> booted it up, ssh in, turned on/off the LED, played an audio file, stuff
> like that. We're waiting on the gertboard to be delivered next month.
> Anyway, just curious if anyone else here has kids and if so what groups
> there might be locally to get together. I've seen some coverage of a
> robotics group at MSU that I believe worked with local HS students, but
> it isn't clear if they're still meeting.
> Thanks!
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