[BozemanLUG] Update on GIMP and Krita (from the April meeting)

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Thu May 3 16:59:21 MDT 2012


Briefly... Gary Bummer, Warren Sanders, Andrew N. and I had a fantastic trip to LinuxFest Northwest in Bellingham, Washington.  As you probably have noticed, I posted the videos of all (but one) of the presentations I attended to MontanaLinux.org with archive.org being the backend storage for them.

In the list was a Krita presentation.  There was also a KDE booth and a computer on display with a touch tablet running Krita.  I was able to purchase a copy of the "Making Comicbooks with Krita" video training DVD and should get that in the mail today or tomorrow.  The content is released under a creative commons license but all proceeds from sales of the DVD (I bought mine) go to the Krita project for further development.  If anyone wants to check it out, just let me know.  The videos are 1080p webm.  I'll be re-encoding them for my own playback because I don't have any 1080p capable monitors and it takes a lot of computing power to down sample during playback.

BTW, GIMP released 2.8 today as witnessed on the www.gimp.org website.  It will be a while before the Linux distros have packaged it and you might even have to wait for a distro version refresh... but hopefully it won't be too long.  Since Fedora 17 is due later this month and have been packaging the 2.8 RC1 build in pre-release builds, I expect to see the final version make it for the release.

That is all for now.

Thanks again to everyone who helped with the Fedora CD art project.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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