[BozemanLUG] March Meeting Reminder

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Fri Mar 20 15:28:00 MDT 2009


As you will recall the meeting for February was cancelled at the last minute because of the weather.  The March meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 26th.

For March, Chris Ching has volunteered again to do a presentation on Arch Linux.

Meeting Announcement

Meeting Information

For April, I'm hoping to have a presentation on Blender if I can talk Hunter Lloyd (one of the CS faculty) into it.

Also in April (25-26th) is the Linuxfest Northwest 2009 show in Bellingham, WA.  As it appears now there will be four of going:

me - BozemanLUG
Warren Sanders - BillingsLUG
Andrew Niemantsverdriet - BillingsLUG
Donnie Lunder - BillingsLUG

Anyone else interested in going?

Here's the website for the event:

Here is a tentative list of presenters and exhibitors although I'm sure they will be expanding... and eventually a schedule set a few days before the event


I've been a little involved with the Fedora Ambassadors... and it looks like Fedora will be a sponsor, have a booth, and have an event scheduled... along with three presentations at the show.  Hey, I hope to get a Fedora tee-shirt! :)

I'll send out another meeting reminder a day or two before the meeting.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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