[BozemanLUG] OLPC Road Show Update and Reminder

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Tue Jun 23 10:49:19 MDT 2009


As you may already know the BozemanLUG meeting this month is quite special.  Caryl Bigenho, OLPC Support Volunteer and long time educator, will be bringing an OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) "Roadshow in a Box" to discuss the OLPC project as well as Activity development opportunities. She will be bringing 10 OLPC XO units of which 5 can be checked out for a few weeks if desired.

The location for the meeting is at MSU-Bozeman, EPS 254 which is next door to the regular meeting room (EPS 259). EPS 254 has 33 PCs we can use.  I will have Sugar (the desktop environment and activities) running on at least 25 of the computers in the lab in addition to the XO units Caryl is bringing.

You are encouraged to bring women and children with you as Caryl would like as many children as possible to check out the OLPC.

You can find the meeting announcement here:

For location and parking info, see:

Here are two really good intro videos about the OLPC:



Hope to see you there,
Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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