[BozemanGLUG] Topics update

Scott Dowdle leescottdowdle at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 02:19:33 UTC 2022


You may recall me talking about distrobox at a previous meeting.  You may
recall Ren talking about av1an at a previous meeting.  I tried to use av1an
in a container as documented on their git page but I just ran into
problems.  Well, I decided to use distrobox to gain access to av1an (as
packaged by Arch) and it is working really well in the limited amount of
time I've been using it.  So, that's a new topic.

Using distrobox to run av1an.

Now that I'm able to run it, I'm going to reiterate the points that Ren
said about how well it works... and that it really is making av1 encoding

I hope you'll join me.  I'll send a Google Meet link out shortly before
meeting time.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]
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