[BozemanLUG] BozemanGLUG Nov. Meeting (online)

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Tue Nov 2 14:48:30 UTC 2021


This Thursday (Nov. 4th) is our regular meeting day.  I have the following topics but if anyone wants to add any, just let me know.  I'll send out a meeting link shortly before the meeting.

   1) Fedora 35 was released this week.  What's new?
   2) 35 releases of Fedora in 30 Minutes
   3) Updates for MiSTer FPGA and Deep Space Photography

Hope you can attend the meeting.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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