[BozemanLUG] A few interesting AV1 things.

Ren Wall renwall at protonmail.ch
Sun Jul 11 23:07:27 UTC 2021

I have come across a couple of interesting projects related to AV1 video recently.https://github.com/sen-h/VidOS/
VidOS is a single purpose Linux OS for playing AV1 video immediately on boot, similar to eMovix but with AV1 and Opus.I have tried it out a bit and it unfortunately seems to be rather picky about what hardware it works on.
Av1an is an AV1 encoding tool I have mentioned before, at least to Scott. It performs scene detection on the input video and then encodes each scene in parallel to speed up the process. It also supports changing encode parameters on a per-scene basis to maintain a quality target measured using VMAF. A feature that I particularly appreciate is an integration with Vapoursynth; instead of setting a video file as the input a Vapoursynth script may be specified instead.
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