[BozemanLUG] Meeting Thursday night

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Wed Jul 8 20:24:21 UTC 2020


I didn't get any topic suggestions although I bumped into Gary while picking up pizza today and he mentioned VR stuff... so we can see what he has to say.  My older son got PlayStation VR gear for his PS4 yesterday but that isn't Linux related.

In the upcoming Fedora 33, one of several change proposals is to switch to BTRFS by default.  While there is some push back against that it is fairy likely to happen.  That sounds odd given the fact that RHEL had BTRS as a Tech Preview in the RHEL7 series but have since dropped it completely in RHEL7 and 8.  If Red Hat isn't interested in BTRFS, how can Fedora be?  I guess they can be.  I've done a few BTRFS installs and have been learning some about it.  I wouldn't call myself really knowledgeable about it, but we can talk about it some.  I know SUSE/OpenSUSE have defaulted to BTRFS for some time... and there was a presentation by a Facebook tech at a recent Kernel summit on use of BTRFS at Facebook... so it seems like it is mature enough for many use cases.  It does have some features that aren't quite mature yet but staying away from those features is recommended even by the devs themselves.

I'll send out a URL right before the meeting so keep an eye open for that.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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