[BozemanLUG] Nvidia warning

David Eder david at eder.us
Wed Nov 27 18:56:09 UTC 2019

I upgraded to Fedora 31 only to find out my trusty GeForce 9800 GTX+ video card is no longer supported by the proprietary Nvidia drivers for the 5.3 kernels.

I thought, OK, here's a chance to see how Nouveau is progressing. It took a while to get it working. It initially only supported 640x480. 

Nouveau does support enough acceleration to support Hedgewars. It didn't the last time I tried it a few years ago.

I do get black squares here and there that eventually go away. I don't know what those are. It might only happen in chromium based browsers. 

Anyway, if you are using the legacy 340 drivers, don't upgrade until you have a card that either works well with Nouveau or the newer Nvidia drivers.

BTW, other than the no longer supported video driver, the upgrade was smooth. Everything transferred over and nothing else seemed to have gone wrong. Services all started, printer works, etc. Fedora upgrades are really pretty good these days.
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