[BozemanLUG] BozemanLUG meeting reminder, NEXT week Nov. 8th

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Wed Oct 31 23:10:32 UTC 2018


Just a reminder that the meeting isn't tomorrow (Gary is out of town) but the following Thursday, Nov. 8th.

As mentioned in a previous send, IBM bought Red Hat.  I'm sure we'll talk some about that at the meeting if anyone is interested.

Here are some topics I'm prepared to discuss... just let me know at the meeting which ones are of interest.

Fedora 29 release (happened yesterday)
RHEL 7.6 release (happened yesterday)
MontanaLinux F29 (DONE for seven individual desktop flavors)

Fedora Silverblue 29 (No dnf, just rpm-ostree and flatpak)
I think I understand the layering (fancy system of dirs and hard links) and 
rollbacks now.  I understand layered packages and flatpak use... as well 
as upgrades including minor and full release.

podman (Red Hat's alternative to Docker)
Works great in Fedora (user and privileged)
and RHEL/CentOS 7 (privileged only)
I've also created some system (in addition to app) containers with a functional desktop GUI running systemd as init.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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