[BozemanLUG] More on systemd :)

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Thu Apr 20 13:11:03 EDT 2017


----- Original Message -----
> I heard somewhere that systemd is the Windows Vista of Linux. I'm
> trying to like it, I really really am but it just feels gross and I
> loath the switch to binary logs.

Hmmm, do I want to get sucked into the swirling time vortex of systemd discussion that has been taking place for years?  Probably not.  I'm sure everyone is well aware that I'm a systemd fan... and while I could definitely easily make a case for it with a few bullet points, I'll spare you.  Aren't you glad? :) You've probably heard it all before anyway.

So, how many people reading this are still using distros that use something other than systemd?

I still have a small handful of EL6 boxes (using upstart in mostly SysVinit compatibility mode) but hope to replace most of them over the summer.  I definitely have more Fedora and EL7 boxes though.  And when I'm on the non-systemd-based systems, I feel like I have traveled back in time.  I wouldn't call them uncomfortable, just less comfortable.

So far as desktop distros are concerned, maybe there are still some Debian 7 or Ubuntu < 14.04 users still around... but I'm guessing the vast majority of you are using systemd-based distros.  I'll not gloat in the overpowering victory. :)  Enjoy your 'member berries (South Park reference).

systemd was first introduced in Fedora 15.. which was 10 releases of Fedora ago.  Can you believe it has been that long?

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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