[BozemanLUG] June meeting rescheduled - Interesting Topics

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Wed Jun 13 06:31:23 MDT 2012


I have a few pieces of hardware arriving soon... so I thought I'd reschedule the June BozemanLUG meeting so we can have a look at them sooner than later.  Would the next to last Thursday in June (next Thursday, June 21st) work out for everyone?

Here's what I hope to show at the meeting:

1) Raspberry Pi - Mine was in England yesterday but just arrived in Cincinnati, OH this morning.  Has anyone else gotten theirs?  I know two folks in Billings who have.  I ordered mine from RS Components and the Billings folks ordered from Element 14.  If you want to track it along with me, you can do so here:


2) The two models from Plugable that work with the new multi-seat functionality provided by systemd, GDM and GNOME Shell in Fedora 17... but coming to other diplay managers, desktop environments, and distros soon.  Just plug in these devices via USB and systemd notices and then a new login screen is created.  How well does it perform?  It should be pretty good considering that each device has a DisplayLink video adapter included inside of it but we shall see.  Here are links to the two devices.  They are currently being sold through Amazon only.




Those have been ordered but I'm not sure if they have actually shipped yet.  They may or may not arrive in time for the meeting.  I'll keep you posted.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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