[BozemanLUG] Meeting next Thursday (Sept. 30th)

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Wed Sep 22 16:12:45 MDT 2010


Gary Bummer finally received the two new servers he ordered from a popular Linux systems builder / seller (Silicon Mechanics) and is willing to give us a presentation on them.  While I don't have the make and model information handy at the moment (will provide that later) these systems are basically a commodity-priced blade system where four independent computers fit in a single 2U case.

I briefly discussed with Gary what items to put into the presentation and he'll be covering the hardware, the standards-based remote management hardware/software, his software setup... and also what he will be using them for.

Since the servers are located elsewhere on campus the plan is to meet at the regular location (EPS Building room 259) at the regular time (7PM) and then for the group to walk together to the location on campus where he has the machines.

More info as I get it.

Please feel free to reply to this email if you plan to attend the meeting.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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