[BozemanLUG] Magicjack

Brian Vincent bvincent at moonlightbasin.com
Sun Oct 10 14:55:01 MDT 2010

Looking into this a bit more, it won't work.  

There's some hacks floating around to get a bit of USB support working with Wine, but there's not enough functionality there for something like Magicjack to work.  So, it seems something like running a VMWare session of XP (I recommend TinyXP for something like this) is about the only way to get it going in Linux.  The Magicjack folks are promising native support sometime this quarter, but who knows.  There's reports of Magicjack and the Ekiga soft phone working (Google: "Magicjack Linux" and look in the forums.)

If you're really curious about USB devices and Wine, there's more info here:


It's something pretty important for Wine, but the architectural integration issues are pretty tough.  Writing complete kernel drivers to replace the Windows ones is a lot of work for some of these custom USB devices, so the preferred method is to layer on top of libusb and have Wine push IO through that layer.  There's a bunch of iPod users that would love to see this stuff working.  

In the post above, Damjan did offer for volunteers to help with some code and testing.  You might be able to contact him with device info and might be able to get a custom patch out of it.  Read this thread for more info:


Brian Vincent
Moonlight Basin Technology
bvincent at moonlightbasin.com

-----Original Message-----
From: discuss-bounces at bozemanlug.org [mailto:discuss-bounces at bozemanlug.org] On Behalf Of Edward Dunagin
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 10:42 AM
To: Bozeman Linux Users Group
Subject: [BozemanLUG] Magicjack

I am trying to get this running using Ubuntu and Wine..

Anyone had any luck doing this?
Edward Dunagin-Dunigan
mobile 406-570-0992
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