[BozemanLUG] Nov/Dec combined meeting

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Tue Nov 25 18:18:54 MST 2008


Meeting Info:
Continuing the tradition set from previous years... there will be no November BozemanLUG meeting.  Instead we will have a combined Nov/Dec meeting on the first Thursday of December... which would be Dec. 4th.  Same place and time.

So... now for the topic.  I haven't set one yet.  If anyone has anything they'd like to show at the meeting, please email me directly.  I have a few ideas if no one comes up with anything.

Fedora 10 Released
Fedora 10 came out today.  I got a copy of it a couple of days early... which allowed me to create an OpenVZ OS Template for Fedora 10 in time for the release date. The OS Templates are available in the contrib section on the OpenVZ website.  

I hope to write up a Fedora 10 review sometime over the holiday break.  Check for it later in the week on the http://www.montanalinux.org website if interested.

If anyone would like a copy on CD or DVD just let me know and I'll burn a few copies.  Given the fact that (most) everyone has a broadband connection of some sort I'm guessing that anyone who wants a copy will have it before the meeting.

This week I ran across a couple of Linux users in the Great Falls area... and they are interested in a LUG there but no one so far as come forward who wants to start it and be in charge.  Does anyone know of any Linux users in Great Falls who might be interested?

Linux Link Tech Show
Does anyone listen to the Linux Link Tech Show?  It has been around for a number of years and I listen to it periodically... but not every show.  I bring this up because I'm going to be a guest on their Dec. 17th show representing the OpenVZ Project.  You are encouraged to participate in the show via IRC if you have any desire to do so.  See the Events calendar on http://www.montanalinux.org/ for more details or email me directly.

Everyone have a good Thanksgiving holiday!

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]
dowdle at montanalniux.org

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