[BozemanLUG] Fedora 10 respin - MontanaLinux... err Linux

Scott Dowdle dowdle at montanalinux.org
Fri Dec 5 17:59:12 MST 2008


I've been playing around with the livecd-tools application on Fedora and have been learning about the process of making a custom spin of Fedora.  I'm pretty amazed at just how easy it is actually.

The spin I'm working on is basically for myself... so I have a LiveDVD iso from which I can quickly install a Fedora 10 system with all of the software I like pre-installed.  It also includes all of the updates upto the point I created the .iso.  Since I've included a lot of software from rpmfusion and the Adobe Flash plugin I have to remove the fedora-logos and fedora-release* packages and substitute them with the generic-logos and generic-release.  I've replaced the syslinux/isolinux splash screen and have tried to replace the post-install grub splash as well but I'm not sure I've succeeded at that yet.

In any event, if anyone is interested in the final product, I'll be happy to share.  If anyone wants instructions on how to do it for yourself, I plan on writing up an article for the website in the next week or so.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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